Sunday 13 October 2013

Great formulas for setting and accomplishing goals

Great formulas for setting and accomplishing goals

I. Decide precisely what you want – 
Decide it for yourself or sit down with your boss/family members and discuss your goals and objectives until you are crystal clear about what is expected of you and in what order of priority.

II. Mark it Down – 
Think on paper. When you write down a goal, you crystalize it and give it tangible form. You create something that you can touch and see. 

III. Set a deadline on your goal; set sub deadlines if necessary – 
A goal or a decision without a deadline has no urgency. It has no real beginning or end. 

IV. Make a list of everything that you can think of that you are going to have to do to achieve your goals
As you think of new activities , add them to your list. Keep building your list until it is complete. A list gives you a visual picture of the larger task or objective. It gives you a track to run on. 

V. Organise the list into plan
Organise your list by priority and sequence. Take a few minutes to decide what you need to do first and what you can do later. Decide what has to be done before something else and what needs to be done afterward. Even better layout your plan visually in the form of a series of boxes and  circles on a sheet of paper with lines and arrows showing the relationship of each task to each other task. 

VI. Take action on your plan immediately – 
Do something. Do anything. An average plan vigorously executed is far better than a brilliant plan on which nothing is done. For you to achieve any kind of success, execution is everything. 

VII. Decide to do something every single day that moves you toward your major goal
Build this activity into your daily schedule. You may decide to read a specific number of prospect or customers. You may engage on a specific period or physical exercise. Keep pushing forward. Once you start moving, keep moving. Don’t stop. This decision, this discipline alone can dramatically increase your speed of goal accomplishment and boost your personal productivity. 

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