Thursday 14 November 2013

Guard Your Physical Health- Personality Development

Guard Your Physical Health- Personality Development
To keep your energy levels at their peak be careful about what you eat. Start the day with a high-protein, low fat and low carbohydrate breakfast. Eat salads with vitamin and minerals filled lunch. Avoid sugar, salt white flour products and desserts. Avoid soft drinks, candy bars and pastries. Feed yourself as you would feed a world-class athlete before a competition because in many respects, that’s what you are before starting work each day.
                Aim to exercise for 30 minutes daily, this can be a walk, yoga or meditation. You can swim, use exercise equipment, play sports but build exercise in your daily routine just as if it were a business appointment.
By eating lean and healthy, exercising regularly and getting lots of rest you will get more and better work done easier and with greater satisfaction than ever before.
The better you feel when you start work, the less you will procrastinate and the more eager you will be to get the job and get on with other tasks.

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