Monday 18 April 2016

TRULY HAPPY NORMAL NATURAL CONDITION by Shikhar Prajapati (India’s favourite Motivational Speaker & Corporate Trainer)

TRULY HAPPY NORMAL NATURAL CONDITION by Shikhar Prajapati (India’s favourite Motivational Speaker &Corporate Trainer)

Children are born with two remarkable qualities. The first is that they are born largely unafraid. They come into the world with only two physical fears, the fear of loud noises and the fear of falling. All other fears have to be taught to the child through repetition and reinforcement while the child is growing up.
                Anyone who ever tries to raise a small child to the age of five or six knows that they are not afraid of anything. They will climb up on ladders, run out into traffic, grab sharp instruments and generally do things that appear suicidal to an adult. They have no fears at all until those fears are implanted in them by their parents and others.
                The second remarkable quality of children is that they are completely uninhibited. They laugh, they cry, they wet their pants. They say and do exactly what they feel like with no concern whatever for the opinions of others. They are completely natural and express themselves easily and naturally with no embarrassments at all. Have you ever seen a self- conscious baby?
                Wonderfully enough, this is your natural state, the way you come into the world, unafraid and uninhibited, completely fearless and able to express yourself freely and easily in all situations. You know this is true because, years later, whenever you are in a safe situation, with people you trust, you often revert to this natural state of fearlessness and naturalness. You feel relaxed and comfortable, completely free to let your hair down and be yourself. These are some of the best moments of your life, your peak experiences, when you are truly happy. And they are your normal, natural condition.

Shikhar Prajapati (India’s favourite Motivational Speaker & Corporate Trainer)
Contact No.s- 09509950482,09351385042

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